Adding your colleagues as collaborators allows you to notify them of any changes to your Book of Authorities (BOA). As you work on your BOA, your collaborators will be notified of the current sync status of the BOA.
Sharing a Word document with CiteRight citations is the same as sharing a Word document without.
When you send a colleague a document, they will be able to log into CiteRight (if they have the add-in installed) and view you document and all your references. A collaborator only needs to be added if you would like to notify them of changes to the BOA sync status.
Adding a collaborator
- Under the CiteRight Ribbon in Microsoft Word, select Add Collaborators.
- Search the name of the desired collaborator and select the + button. Click OK
The person you added will now be notified of any changes you make to your Book of Authorities.
Removing a collaborator
- Click on "Add collaborators."
- Click the X button beside the name of the collaborator you would like to remove. Click OK.
This person you removed will no longer be notified of any changes made to the Book of Authorities.