Before reading this, you might want to check out: Book of Authorities: Overview
Table of Contents
Insert a Table of Authorities by clicking the Insert ToA button
Changing which sources are included in your TOA
Inserting a Table of Authorities (ToA) with CiteRight will insert all of your references in a plain text table without separating them by schedule. This allows you to add/remove the rows/columns as desired. You can insert as many ToAs as you would like.
Keep in mind that, unlike citations, ToAs and BoAs do not automatically update as you work through your document. Therefore, it is recommended to delete and reinsert your ToA any time a change is made in your citations (e.g. references are deleted, inserted, modified, or moved).
Insert a Table of Authorities by clicking the Insert ToA button
By default, CiteRight includes three columns:
- The tab number of where that reference will appear in the Book of Authorities (BoA)
- The name of the case with hyperlinks (hyperlinks can be removed in Preferences)
- The pinpoints associated with each source.
Note: The order of the tab numbers follow the same order your Book of Authorities is set to. To learn how to change the order of references in your PDF, click here.
Changing which sources are included in your TOA
The TOA will always follow the same inclusions/exclusions as your BOA. If you would like for these two to include different sources (e.g. when submitting a brief to the ABCA, the BOA/Appendix would have the opposite sources as the TOA), this is easy to do!
In this example, the Corner Brook case and the Income Tax Act must be included in the Appendix, whereas the Honda and Deloitte cases are accessible on CanLII and only need to be hyperlinked in the Table of Authorities.
1. When clicking "Generate BOA", make sure to only include sources that you want in your PDF (i.e. ones that do not have links to publicly available versions of the source). Generate now so that you create an Appendix with your sources that are not hyperlinked to CanLII or other publicly available sources.

2. After generating the BOA, click again on "Generate BOA". This time, include only the sources you would like in your TOA. Then, simply click "Cancel" or exit out of this box.
3. Click "Insert TOA".