Upcoming Release: CiteRight Next
New Features
- Option to suppress a style of cause in a citation
- Add case remarks and annotations to citations
- Add case history to references
- Independently controlled citation fields
- Additional pinpoint types for Rules of Civil Procedure and “Other” custom pinpoints
- Custom citations, such as legislation, are now stored in your collections and can be easily reused in new documents
- Additional tab marker options added
- Independent preferences in Book of Authorities & Table of Authorities (to control the order of case appearance)
- Faster search capabilities when searching for terms within the body of a case
- Improved performance when working with multiple documents simultaneously
- Open and use any existing documents with citations that were created with Citeright versions 4.5 and below
- Simpler deployments and automatic updates from CiteRight as soon as they are available!
Upcoming release: Scheduled for March 2024
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v4.5.0
New Features
Save and source details of a reference available on Word
- When in the detailed reference panel, you can view the last saved time of a reference. Clicking on this detail will take you back to the source webpage.
Hyperlinked ibid citations will take you to the source webpage
- When you have hyperlinks enabled for ibid citations, you can ctrl+click on the ibid footnote it will open the hyperlink in your browser.
Hyperlinks in citations enabled by default
- In preferences, hyperlinks are now enabled by default (Style of Cause or Title and Primary Citation).
- “Open CiteRight” button will now scan your document and detect compatibility documents (.docx). If it’s incompatible, you will be prompted to convert your document.
- Updated to fix security vulnerabilities
- Ibids are now properly capitalized when cited
- Fixed bug where ibids were rendered as supras under certain conditions. Ibids are now rendered as ibids even if pinpoints are removed.
Released March 16th, 2023
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v4.4.3
- Fixed an issue causing a failure to refresh collections in Word after saving new content.
Released March 3rd, 2023
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v4.4.2
Reset your password from the Word Add-In login screen
- You will now be able to reset your password by clicking the “Reset Password?” link from the Word Add-In login screen.
New instructions on the “Missing case content” screen in Word Add-In
When you encounter the “missing case content” page in the side panel, there is now a direct link to the case that you are missing. This link directs you to the case you need on the legal database website associated with the missing case. This eliminates the need to go and search for the case.
Label change for hyperlinking preferences
In your preferences, we changed the “Style of Cause” hyperlink setting label to include “title” to improve clarity on which section of your citation will be modified. “Style of Cause” label now reads “Style of Cause or Title”.
Citation hyperlinks take you to the exact case in the BOA
When you generate a hyperlinked BOA, clicking a hyperlink will take you to the first page of the source’s PDF in the BOA as opposed to the first page of the BOA document.
Improved start-up time when opening Microsoft Word application
- We’ve optimized the initialization of some CiteRight components that caused an increased start-up time when opening the Word application. You will now experience a quicker application start-up.
- Fixed a bug that removed hyperlinks when copy and pasting citations
- Fixed a rendering failure that would occur when undoing a deletion of a citation. This would cause future citations to fail to render.
- Fixed and re-worked missing content page in the side panel. This page appears when a user is trying to view case content that is not saved in their library. We modified the copy with clearer instructions to find and save the case.
- Fixed a bug where ibids and supras were not appearing in lowercase appropriately
- Fixed a bug where default pinpoints continued to apply when the pinpoint expression was cleared.
- Fixed a bug where custom references redirected you to the wrong hyperlinked section of the BOA
- Fixed instances where the side panel was failing to load
- Fixed a content control bug that blocked you from accepting track changes in their document
- Removed the ability to click “Insert TOA” button when typing inside footnotes. You can only insert TOA’s in the body of your Word documents. Inserting lists inside footnotes of Word documents causes app error. When using CiteRight, the TOA list caused MSFT Word to freeze and require restart.
Released September 28th 2022
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v4.2.1
- Users will now be able to update the same citation after they've cited it without clicking off the citation.
Released April 26, 2022
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v4.2
Please note:
This update is required before turning on the court and jurisdiction feature flag. Users need to update in order to use the new Precis citation style period formatting feature with the court and jurisdiction.
- New engine for Word renderer - Previously, our .NET browser dependency was causing installer issues. Now we are using Node.js which gives us access to the powerful V8 JavaScript engine without the browser. This update will entirely remove our dependency on browser-based rendering that we were relying on DotNet browser for. The result is a renderer that is more reliable, faster and has a much lighter installation footprint
- Period placement formatting in citations is based on what citation style guide you choose in your Word Preferences (periodization)
- Fixed error causing trailing periods in 'ibid.” citations
- Citation preview panel was failing to render cases with reporters that included ampersands (“&”)
- BOA and TOA now render ampersands correctly
- BOA and TOA document alignment was off when producing .pdf documents
- Pinpoints were being removed from a modified citation when you revert your citation back to original
Released April 12, 2022
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v4.1
- Two new items have been added to the Document section of the Book of Authorities preferences menu.
- Option to include square brackets around tab markers
- Option to generate a book of authorities without any tab markers
- French citation language (Précis) support has been added
- The addition of an ampersand symbol (&) in the pinpoint preferences will no longer stall the renderer.
- Hyperlinks for supra and short forms will now be included when only the Primary Citation option is selected in the preferences section.
March 2, 2022
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v4.0.5
- The addition of an ampersand symbol (&) in a custom or downloaded reference title or short-form will no longer stall the renderer.
February 3, 2022
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v4.0.4
- Special characters will no longer stall the renderer.
- The renderer will no longer insert a space when default pinpoint indicators in the preferences are changed.
- The renderer will no longer remove trailing zeros in pinpoint indications.
February 3, 2022
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v4.0.3
- When a table of authorities is generated with hyperlinks, references without hyperlinks will not show as having a hyperlink.
January 20, 2022
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v4.0.2
- Rendering time has been improved for inserting references as the system will now only render the citation when there is a change to be made.
- Modifying the short-form no longer converts the citation into a custom citation. This will not require the user to insert hyperlinks on both the style of cause and primary citation for hyperlinks to appear on references with short forms.
December 13, 2021
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v4.0.1
- Hyperlinks for supra will no longer get removed when a citation contains a supra reference.
November 15, 2021
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v4.0
Preferences Section
- Users can now only enter the BOA Long Name and the system will include that for all the tab numbers in the document instead of leaving it blank. BOA Short Name can be used as before.
- The Source Links label in the Citation tab in the preferences section has been changed to Hyperlinks.
- Users will not need to include the .pdf file extension in the File Name field of the Name section of the Book of Authorities tab for hyperlinked books of authorities.
- For pinpoints that include a section, the Section form has been changed to s and the Sections form has been changed to ss by default.
Reference list view
- Reference lists will now include labels for Case Law, Legislation, and Custom References.
- Cases that are modified (full name, short form, pinpoint type, or hyperlink) will now include a Modified label.
- Tables of authorities now contain web hyperlinks by default. It will be selected by default when a new document is opened. Learn more about it here!
- Hyperlinked books of authorities now include a combined PDF containing your factum and book of authority in the same zip folder. Learn more about it here!
- Pinpoints will now be ordered numerically even when they are entered or selected out of order in the CiteRight side panel.
October 15, 2021
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v3.1.1
The year of decision will no longer be incorrectly be appended to the end of edited citations if the year of the decision was different than the year reported when a reference has been edited
June 29, 2021
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v3.1
- When inserting hyperlinks to your references, you can now navigate to specific paragraphs on the web version of the case. Learn more here
- Updated the license for the HTML to PDF converter in Word
- Newly saved cases will now always show in the collections in Microsoft Word
- Hyperlinks in footnotes will now be clickable when converted using the nuance convert to PDF functions
March 24, 2021
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v3.0
Breaking Changes
CiteRight 3.0 contains significant new features and stability and security improvements. However, as a result of new database and architecture design, documents created with CiteRight version 3.0 will no longer be compatible when opened in CiteRight version 2.7.4 or earlier.
Upon opening in CiteRight Version 3.0, all references in documents created with earlier versions of CiteRight will be updated to the latest format to ensure older documents function as expected with version 3.0. Once updated, they will not be backward compatible with earlier versions.
For more information on migrating to version 3.0 see our Migration Guide.
Other changes
- Instant rendering is now enabled by default. See how to turn it off here.
- Location of Preferences and Logout buttons have changed positions to promote the Preferences button.
- Tooltips that describe the functions of each ribbon button are now available when the user hovers over the ribbon buttons.
- CiteRight now includes a message discouraging users from adding confidential or client-identifying information in CM Number dialogs.
- For enhanced security, users will now be logged out of Word after 7 days of inactivity. For anyone using a version of CiteRight prior to this release 2.8.0, you will need to log out and log back in for CiteRight to work correctly.
- Collections of authorities are now accessible directly within Microsoft Word. See our help document here.
- Users can now see a list of references that are included in their document in the MS Word side panel. Learn more about how to use this feature.
- Users can now jump to the indicated paragraph on the first page of each case in the BOA. See how you can customize your BOA to add this feature.
- Short forms for custom references will no longer be italicized by default.
- Supras will no longer exclude pinpoints when they contain the same pinpoints as the previous reference.
- The Word add-in will no longer crash when an unrecognized case format is saved to the library.
- Certain citation errors will no longer require closing and reopening Word.
- Books of authorities will no longer exclude cases after re-ordering the references that are cited more than once.
- CiteRight will no longer crash when a user converts a CiteRight enabled Word document to PDF format using the Adobe add-on in word.
- CiteRight will no longer crash when a user attempts to convert a CiteRight enabled Word document to PDF format using the Nuance PDF desktop converter.
- PDF sub-headers for cases downloaded from CanLII will no longer be included in the book of authorities.
- Saved or custom references that include quotation marks in their titles will no longer cut off the bookmarks in the book of authorities.
- Blockquotes spanning multiple paragraphs in CanLII cases will no longer include the “copy citations” text in between the paragraphs.
- Overwriting a footnote marker will no longer crash Word.
- Citing a reference at the end of a table row will no longer crash Word. Instead, users will receive an error.
- After converting a document created with an older version of CiteRight (versions 1.4.17- 2.7.2 hotfix 3), users will no longer have to click on an in-text citation twice to activate it and view it in the side panel.
- Version strings for patch releases no longer include the word “hotfix.”
Released October 28, 2020
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v2.7.4
- Users will no longer be prevented from installing the CiteRight MS Word Add-In in a French version of Word (please note that this only refers to the installation of the Add-In and not the language of the case or associated citation)
September 9, 2020
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v2.7.3
- User can now view cases from the SCC without a parallel SCR reference in the MS Word Add-In side panel
September 7, 2020
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v2.7.2
Hotfix 3
- Updated system to fix a backend error class of Interop errors. Now, the user will no longer need to restart Word when this error is triggered
Released August 15, 2020
Hotfix 2
- Ribbon buttons will no longer be active when Word is opened without an active document
- VSTO issues with CiteRight will no longer be present when users upgrade to Office 365
- Short forms will no longer leave out pinpoints in the ibid or supra formats
Released June 23, 2020
Hotfix 1
- Users will no longer experience issues generating a book of authorities due to a misalignment of index and citations in the document
- The status of previously excluded references in a book of authorities will update correctly if included once again
Released June 19, 2020
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v2.7.1
- Users will now need to choose to have their citations updated in real-time or to manually update. Default is set to not auto render any references
Released June 12, 2020
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v2.7.0
- Users will now need to choose to have their citations updated in real-time or to manually update. Default is set to not auto render any references
- User can now turn auto rendering to on to update references as they are cited or turn it off to manually render references
- CiteRight button in the Microsoft Word ribbon will remain responsive after switching documents
- CiteRight details panel will no longer open by default when a new document is created or when switching between documents.
- Errors when inserting block quotes have been resolved
- User will now be able to update references in older documents
- The long name of Book of Authorities will not appear for all unique references in the document
Released May 25, 2020
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v2.6
- Users can now view and add a collaborator to receive notifications about the status of a book of authorities from Microsoft Word
- Additional work page will not contain any duplicates when a custom reference is cited multiple times throughout a document
- CiteRight button on the Word ribbon will not become unresponsive any longer after switching between documents
- The collaborator dialogue window will now be centered when switching between documents
- The collaborator button will no longer be disabled after saving a document and re-opening it
- The preferences menu will no longer be hidden after generating a hyperlinked Book of Authorities
- User will no longer be directed to the last used preference after selecting the preferences from the Generate Book of Authorities screen
- User will no longer have issues updating a reference cited in the text once it is cited
Released April 28, 2020
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v2.5
- Icons in the add-in have been updated
- The sync status indicator has been changed to a badge format
- Paragraphs in the ToA, index page, and on the first page of each case are now hyphenated
- BOA button now includes tooltip that shows the current status
- Users can now insert a ToA without first generating a BoA in Word add-in
- Users can now create a hyperlink to a specific paragraph or case in the pdf
- Generate BoA feature should generate both document and BoA when the hyperlink to BoA option is enabled
- User sees content control error when updating a reference
- The system now recognizes incompatibilities and disables the Word Add-In if incompatible
- Users no longer sees content control error when updating a reference after inserting a blockquote. An alert window will now pop up when the user attempts to insert a block quote in content control.
- Hyperlinks from document to BOA now accommodate spaces
Released April 15, 2020
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v2.4
- The "About" window in the Microsoft Word Add-In now shows the version of the CiteRight
- User is now able to choose where to place a hyperlink in the reference
- User is now able to add a hyperlink to a custom reference
- User can now change the hyperlink of a downloaded source
- User can now customize whether the index page of the BOA includes pinpoints
- User can now include the pinpoints cited on the first page of each case
- Fixed exception when side panel in Word is opened
Released January 22, 2020
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v2.3
- References are now wrapped in content controls improving performance and agility of CiteRight references
- Downloaded content does not auto expire
- The format of the references in the side panel has been updated
- Users can now add source hyperlinks
- Users can customize how pinpoints are shown in their document
- The system now includes Headnotes in the full case text
- Users can now add an editable Table of Authorities and related pinpoints
- The preview panel now shows correct reference after the creation of custom cites
- The short title now only appears when a reference is shown more than once in a document
- Undo actions for CiteRight references are now tracked more directly
- BOA now renders when pinpoints CiteRight does not recognize are indicated
Released January 15, 2020
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v2.2
- Client matter has moved to its own tab
- Custom numbering is now available for pinpoints
- BOA tab number formatting (Bold, Italics, and Underline) options are now available
- Ability to suppress the short form in the first reference
- BOA tab number placement can now be customized
Bug Fixes
- Style of cause will follow the formatting of the user (index page and running headers)
- Default styles for custom references have been removed
- Default formatting is no longer applied when custom references are copied between documents
- BoA short name is now replaced with long name when left blank in the preferences
- “Blankdocument” error has been solved
- User will no longer experience any lag while navigating their document
- Side panel behavior has been tightened
- BOA tab numbers do not clear for temp citations copied from one document to another
- CIteRight fields no longer show error when updated by a third party
- Fixed an issue related to deletion of a case where BOA’s will consider the case as if it was expired
Released December 12, 2019
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v2.1
- CiteRight is now integrated with NetDocuments.
- Disbursement reports are now available upon request
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the appearance of the pinpoint type not updating when the pinpoint type is changed from the Modify menu.
- Fixed an issue of copying custom citations between documents that caused delays in some instances.
Released November 5, 2019
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v2.0
- Removed ability to automatically add or remove periods from styles of cause until feature can be implemented consistently
- Users can now choose whether citations are rendered in full, or using back references such as ibid and supra
- Additional direct formatting can be applied to books of authorities
- CiteRight's Microsoft Word Add-In now operates without using a Windows background agent
- Books of authorities are now generated entirely on the client-side, without any data communication to CiteRight's servers
- CiteRight logging tools now include "sanity check" verifying presence of core CiteRight components in order to facilitate support and QA
- BOA sidebars are now slightly further from text
Bug fixes
- Fixed formatting errors that could occur when generating books of authorities
- Fixed error where Word could occasionally not see the active document when CiteRight was enabled
- Fixed issue where new installations occasionally could not find location of PDF generator until computer was restarted
- Fixed issue where the Track Changes feature temporarily corrupted CiteRight citations
- Fixed bug where BOA dialog view failed to update after inserting new citations
- Fixed bug where "generate" button on BOA dialog view failed to deactivate while BOA was being generated
- Fixed issue where pinpoints appeared to jump between access panes
- Fixed issue where copying footnotes into main text caused Word to crash
- Other general fixes to citation rendering and formatting
Released October 15, 2019
CiteRight for Microsoft Office v1.0
- Users can now search the full text of a case in the MS Word Add- In sidebar
- User can now search by citations
- Improved the speed of BOA generation (should now take about 5-10 seconds based on a 500 page BOA)
- Sidebar, highlight or do both
- Decrease or increase the font for your BOA
- Updated BOA styling
- Added a running header across all cases in the BOA
- In text case search has been added!
- Company and User management system
- Client Matter number is mandatory for new documents
- Parallel citations from the Supreme Court of Canada where the SCR is a
- Multiple citations in the same footnote now allow you to add plain text in between citations
- Customer support can now assist you in re-parsing a case along with it metadata in case something isn't looking as it should
- Users can now see when their reference library was last refreshed
- Text entered into Short Form popup now correctly renders as roman, not italic
- Changing the reference name/pinpoint type/short form in details panel overrides the case name
- User can't delete temporary items, even when not in the document.
- Parser now detects block quotes in BOA or side panel for CanLII cases
- Merging two documents using the Microsoft Word "Compare" or merging two documents with the combine comments function no longer crashes CiteRight (please refer to the troubleshooting section for more on this bug fix)
- BOA generation for very long documents no longer times out
- Keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word 2010 now work
- Preferences, About and Help windows in the CiteRight Word Add-In now remain visible even when user minimizes Microsoft Word
- Search functioning has been improved to accommodate citation searching
- Dupe checker now blocks the user from downloading the same case from multiple search engines
- HTML tags no longer appear when a users adds spaces to the full name or short form of a citation
- Index entries in the BOA will not overlap one another
- Better paragraph identification for cases
- Footnotes in the CiteRight BOA are not displayed as end notes any longer
- Improved custom citation functionality
- More informative Additional Work page
- Searching for a decision was case sensitive and should not have been
- CanLII hyperlinks not showing consistently throughout a document
- Inserting a short form for a decision makes it un-searchable
- Globally modifying a decision removes the case text from the BOA
- CanLII Hyperlinks were included in the BOA and they have been removed from the BOA
- Clicking "update" on citation doesn't update paragraphs or citation preview
- BOA not inserting page breaks between "Tab" pages and "Missing" pages
- Navigation Panel is always redirected to first citation in a group of adjacent citations
- Clicking between two citations (one full text, the other ibid) doesn't refresh the side panel view
- Citations rendering hyphenated pinpoint ranges as single pinpoint, rather than multiple
- Slow insertion of a citation
- Side panel displaying wrong citation after adding adjacent citation
- Revert button should be grayed out when the item is an unchanged state
- When specifying paragraphs in pinpoint, only the first paragraph on the BOA is side barred
- Searching for text crashes Word
- Can't edit temporary citation items
- Buttons in the item details are cut off when opened in Word\
- Default width for login screen is too small
- CiteRight Panel-Panel dysfunctional across document
- Odd behavior when opening up new windows in Microsoft Word
- Can't clear a search
- Search in the My companies page not working
- Validation link in validation email doesn't work
- Html characters showing when reference in parsed.
- BOA not generating and timing out for more than 10 references
- Paragraph numbers in sequence for temporary items are not included in the BOA.
- Inserting a short form to a reference does not return a search result in the item list
- Modifying a downloaded reference through the Modify button removes the case text from the BOA
Released July 15, 2019