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Customize the appearance of references in a document
CiteRight allows you to generate a PDF/Book of Authorities (BOA) in a quick and simple way! CiteRight also informs you of the current status of a BOA in relation to the document. This is done through the sync indicator. This article will explain how to generate a BoA and how the sync indicator works.
Generate a PDF quickly and easily by pressing the Generate BOA button in the CiteRight ribbon
By default, CiteRight names your PDF Book of Authorities and also provides a short name- BOA. This can be changed in the preferences. As well, CiteRight gives you the option of including or excluding your references in a BOA before it is processed. Generating a BOA can be done using the following steps.
- Click on the Generate BOA button
- Select which references you want to include or exclude - this can be done by either selecting the Include or Exclude radio button next to the name of the case in the generation window
- Click the Generate button - depending on how many references you have cited, it can 5-45 seconds (roughly) to process your BOA. Be patient, it will open.
Once it is processed, the BOA will pop up in your default PDF viewer. At that point, you can choose to save it to your own file system.
What is the BOA sync indicator?
As mentioned above, the BOA sync indicator is a way to let you know how current a corresponding BOA is to your open document. Here is what each color means:
Red: BoA has not been generated
Green: BoA has been generated and is up to date
Yellow: BoA has been generated, but is out of date because changes have been made to the document
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How do I change the order of Appearance of References in the Book of Authorities?