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CiteRight Next - Not Canadian case law? Creating a custom reference
By default, CiteRight generates a complete citation when you cite a case for the first time. In subsequent references to a case, CiteRight will automatically use a short form of the name of the case, ibid, and supra. This article will show you how to modify those settings.
How to create a short form
You can create a short form for a style of cause by selecting a case in the MS Word add-in and clicking Modify Reference. In the Short Form field, enter a shortened version of the case name.
How to change preferences for ibid, supra, and short forms
Click on Preferences in the CiteRight ribbon and go to the Citations tab. Under the Formats section, you can select or deselect these options.
When short form, ibid and supra are all checked:
- The first reference to a case will include the full style of cause
- Subsequent references to the same case will use ibid, or, if the subsequent reference does not come immediately after the first, the short form name of the case with supra
When short form, ibid and supra are all unchecked:
- CiteRight will use the complete citation, including the full style of cause, for every reference to a particular case.