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Working with ibids, supras and short forms
Much like a document outline where you can see a list of the headings and sections throughout your document, CiteRight allows you to view all references that you've cited throughout your document. This can be accessed through the List Citations button found on your ribbon.
Click the List Citations button located in the CiteRight ribbon
In the Cited in this document side panel, you will notice that the system provides a list of all your references in the same order as cited in your document. Where an ibid or supra is listed in your document, the list will display those references as ibid or supra.
Click an item in the list to jump to where it appears in the document
Much like a document outline, clicking a reference will direct you to the area of your document where the reference is cited.
Modifications made to a citation will change its appearance in the listed citations panel
The cited reference list is dynamic and will change with the order, style, and appropriate abbreviations of your references. Changes to the pinpoint expressions, ibids, supras and short forms will change the appearance of the references in line with the cited reference list.