Short answer: Yes!
Long answer:
CiteRight users within your firm
Any CiteRight user within your firm can open their CiteRight side panel in Word, no matter what document they have open. This means that if you have inserted citations and then sent the Word document to them, they can perform all of the same functionalities with citations, TOAs and BOAs. This includes viewing the case text, reordering citations, changing pinpoints, using the List Citations feature, and changing anything in the Preferences menu (ibids, supras, hyperlinks, BOA settings, Client Matter Number, etc).
Non-CiteRight users within your firm
For those who may not have a CiteRight account, you can still send them your Word document. While they will not have a CiteRight side panel, they can still view the document contents and citations. They can take advantage of your inserted hyperlinks, both in citations and in the Table of Authorities.
There is limited functionality when it comes to reordering, deleting, and inserting references without a CiteRight account. Best practices may be to print your document as a PDF (even using the hyperlinked BOA to create a Combined Factum and Book of Authorities).